Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications are the pillars for controlling pain and inflammation for dogs. Many people see these types of medications as safe, because so many of them are available over the counter and for human consumption. There are also a number of generic brands for your pets that are scientifically proven to be just as effective as big name brands.
NSAIDs are used for both acute and chronic pain and inflammation but, they are not entirely risk free. So, although they are relatively safe they should still be used with caution. If your pet stops eating or has a decrease in appetite while using the NSAID medication you should stop giving any more medication to your pet and call your veterinarian right away.
If you are using an over the counter pain relief medication, such as a generic aspirin for example, let your vet know this. Medications do interact and your vet must know what is being given in order to take precautions. Aspirin is probably the most common and recommended NSAID medication you can find for your pet when you want to ease their pain.
However, you must be very careful about the size of the dosage you give your canine. Another possibility to use when your canine is in a great amount of suffering is narcotic medications. This type of medication has been in use for a very long time. Fortunately, addiction is much less of a problem in canines than it is for humans.
Be aware though, addiction can occur so, know when to withdraw medications. There are few signs to look for to see if your pet is receiving too much of this type of drug. Watch for dizziness, vomiting, and signs of constipation. This is an indication that your pet is receiving too much medication and needs to be cut back. Having said that, controlled substances tend to work well with other medications such as, the NSAIDs but, it is important to allow your vet to prescribe these medications as they are too dangerous to administer together without expert knowledge.
Having said that, veterinarians have to maintain certain licenses to use narcotic drugs and are legally required to keep close tabs on when and why these drugs are used. Besides that, once a clinic is known to carry controlled substances in its inventory the office and clinic often become targets for thefts and break ins.
However, the combination of the NSAID and narcotic drugs are very effective at relieving discomfort and suffering within canines, that many vets will still stock this type of drug. Morphine is the narcotic of choice, as it is very good at relieving your pet's suffering. It is worth noting that morphine works consistently well at relieving suffering and inflammation in canines particularly.
Controlling pain and inflammation in dogs is only possible with medications given on a daily basis. Considering the generic form of these drugs will not only save you money but, still be very effective and safe for your dog. So, ask your vet about the pet medicine available and the combination you should be using.
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