The first thing most dog owners do with their new puppy is to enroll them in an obedience school where they can learn how to behave properly. However, such classes are too expensive for some dog owners so they would rather do their own training on their dogs. But the question is, how beneficial is obedience dog training and how can it help my dog?
The Benefits
Dogs can easily learn simple basic commands, even when they are still puppies. However, in order for them to pick up the commands, the dog owner also needs to know how to give out the commands. People do not usually pay attention to the fact that in order for effective dog training to work, team effort is needed and the success of the project does not only depend on the dog, it also depends on the owner.
One of the important aspects of dog training is letting the dog know who is the alpha dog, or the leader. It is important that the dog knows that he is not the leader of the pack, but you are and that its role as a member of the pack is to obey and respect the leader of the pack, meaning you. Keeping this in mind and implementing this leadership status in your home at all times will help your dog understand what his position in the pack is. Always remember that a good leadership is a fine foundation for effective dog training.
Some basic tips:
Understand his breed. In teaching a puppy, you must first catch his attention. Train him in a quiet place. There should be no distractions from the focus on his training. Command words should be simple. Work on at least one command before you give his treat or reward. Also do not give him his desired object until he obeys your command. Make him understand what he should do before you give him his food. Lastly, patience is the most important thing you need. Your attitude in being tolerant is even better. In fact, it is your obligation to be patient and lenient at all times.
Basic Commands.
There are three basic commands that your dog will learn to respond to properly in effective dog training: sit, stay, heel. These commands will serve as a foundation for any other future training your dog might undergo.
A common complaint against dogs is biting and/or barking, a sign of antisocial or undesirable behavior. There are many different types of training that can be done to remedy these undesirable behaviors. These types of training needs to be done while they are still young, as it can turn to a serious problem once they grow older.
Another common major dog problem is pulling. Choosing the correct effective dog training classes will help you handle this problem and soon your dog will not be pulling you anymore but will walk to heel.
Giving your dog your training no matter how basic it is, is very important for by doing this, you are providing your dog with tools he needs to be a sociably well adept dog that could handle anything that could happen. The best time to train your dog is during its early age but there are still trainings that are available for dogs with behavioral problems even if it is more than a year old.
Dog obedience training is just the beginning. You need to be consistent! Make sure that your god understands that you are the leader. Do not keep changing the rules. Follow what you learned in the training and make sure that everyone in your family is consistent in using commands. Do not bend the rules... be the boss and give simple and direct commands so as not to confuse your dog for if you do so, your dog will revert to his old ways and you efforts will go to waste. This process should be an up building and continuous experience in your dog's life. Training your dog correctly is a crucial part of being a dog owner and to do this you need to choose from a selection of top dog training courses.
The Art of Effective Training is one such comprehensive training guide for you to end your dog's behavioral problems. By consistently implementing the powerful techniques outlined in this comprehensive and easy to follow guide, your dog will eventually, with consistent practice, eventually eliminate his bad behavior and become a proud member of your family.
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