Dog Waste Composters: The Eco Friendly Pet Waste Solution

Disposing of dog waste is probably the most unpleasant task of being a dog owner. One new method of dealing with odor, insect, and other problems associated with disposing of dog droppings are dog waste composters, which are similar to regular compost bins but much easier to use. Here's how they work...

Dog Waste Composters: An Overview

Let's face it, if you're a dog owner, one of your more unpleasant tasks is picking up after your pet. Most pet owners store their dog's waste in a garbage can and wait for trash pick up day. In the interim, there are the inevitable odor problems, as well as pesky insects like flies hovering around the can.

Further, traditional disposal of dog waste is one of the largest pollutants to city storm sewers. As the fecal matter decomposes in landfills, it typically runs off to storm sewers, creating an environmental strain on local water systems.

Many pet owners are choosing a more environmentally friendly way to deal with this problem. Dog waste composters are designed to speed natural decomposition of pet waste and transform it into harmless groundwater run off.

How Pet Waste Compost Bins Work

If you think of a traditional household or yard compost bin, the process is similar. Regular compost bins, though, are not designed to treat pet droppings. In fact, if they are included with traditional composting material like food scraps, cardboard, or yard trimmings, the beneficial compost will be contaminated. That's exactly why dog waste composters were developed, as they provide a singular and safe solution for safe disposal and decomposition.

Normal compost bins use heat and moisture to transform materials into a beneficial garden mulch and fertilizer. Depending on temperature conditions, this process can take a few weeks to a few months. With pet droppings, a specialized pet waste system transforms the droppings into liquid runoff within the same general time frame.

Pet composters are designed to work underground and they're quite easy to install. All you need to do is dig a hole a few feet deep, depending on the size of your unit. Sizes differ according to how much waste your pet generates, but they all work the same way. These composters are usually made of stainless galvanized steel or durable polyurethane plastic, both of which resist rust and corrosion.

Ease of Use

One of the more prominent benefits of these pet septic tanks is their ease of use. Since they are placed below grade, the only visible part of the composter is a lid and foot pedal. Simple step on the foot pedal to open the lid and drop in the bag of dog droppings. Mother Nature does the rest!

It really is that simple. The droppings decompose underground naturally and are transformed into a harmless liquid that is absorbed into the ground. Some units come with a decomposing chemical agent which is simply tossed into the bin. This helps speed up the process, which is particularly useful if you own multiple dogs.

These units are durable and relatively inexpensive. Most units run anywhere from $50 to $80. While the environmental benefits alone make these compost bins worthwhile, users indicate the elimination of odor and insect problems to be an even bigger benefit.


If you're looking for an environmentally safe solution to your dog waste problem, consider a pet waste compost bin. They are easily installed in your back yard, with only the top lid visible. Once it is installed, just drop the bagged waste material into the bin. Over a few weeks, it will decompose on its own, with no need for any other disposal on your part.

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