Today crossing breeds has become a popular option, as people enjoy crossbreeding for the best traits of both breeds. One cross breed that has only been around for about 20 years happens to be the Goldendoodle. This breed was created around the same time that the Labradoodle was also created and they are very similar breeds. If you're considering the purchase of your own Goldendoodle, here is a look at important breed information you'll need to know.
Origin of the Goldendoodle
First, it's a good idea to learn a bit about the origin of the Goldendoodle. This dog happens to be a Golden Retriever Poodle mix. Some of the other names that are commonly used for this breed include Goldie Poos, Groodles, and Golden Poos. Since some other poodle hybrids that were smaller were very successful, breeders soon decided to try breeding Goldens with a Poodle, making a larger pet that is allergy free. The hybrid turned out wonderfully and this breed quickly became popular.
Hybrid Vigor
The Goldendoodle displays hybrid vigor, since they are a first generation cross in most cases today. Basically, this means that since the dogs are the very first cross between two lines of purebreds that are unrelated, they end up growing better and are healthier than both of the parent lines of dogs. This cross has created Goldendoodles that are intelligent, easy to train, friendly, and affectionate. However, as other generations are created, the vigor can be lost.
Breed Description
The parent lines of the Goldendoodle both happen to be water dogs and hunters. When it comes to the physical appearance of the Golden Retriever Poodle mix, they may look like a poodle that is curl relaxed or they may even look like a retriever that is very shaggy. However, usually their look is somewhere between the two. Usually the length of their fur ends up being between 4-8 inches in length. Their coat color can vary. A few of the colors may include versions of chocolate, black, gold, cream, apricot, phantom, or parti. As most of the other poodle crosses, the Goldendoodle usually does not shed much, which means that they are great for families that have allergies that are mild.
About Miniature Goldendoodles
It is possible to find miniature Goldendoodles as well. This occurs when a toy or miniature Poodle is one of the parents. A miniature Goldendoodle will usually be between 15-30 pounds. For those who want smaller dogs, the miniature Golden Retriever Poodle mix is a great option.
Weight and Height of the Breed
When it comes to the weight and the height of the Goldendoodle, it depends on the parentage of the dog. Usually, to get the average weight of adult dogs, you can add the weight of each parent together and then divide it in half. Of course, in every litter that is born, some puppies may end up being heavier or lighter than the weight that is projected. Standard Goldendoodles are usually predicted to be over 45 pounds when they reach adulthood. Miniatures usually are below 30 pounds. However, it is important to note that Goldendoodles in the past have ended up weighing over 100 pounds.
One of the wonderful things about the Goldendoodle is their temperament. They are wonderful dogs for families and are both obedient and intelligent. These dogs are devoted to family and are extremely friendly. The Golden Retriever Poodle mix is wonderful with children and very good with other pets too. You'll find that they are happiest when they are around humans. Since they are eager to please, they love to learn, and they are very intelligent, they are extremely easy to train.
Health Issues
If you plan on owning your own Goldendoodle, it's a good idea to know about any possible health issues that may occur. The good news is that since the Goldendoodle is a hybrid cross, they usually will live longer and will be much healthier than the lines of the parents. However, these dogs are prone to the genetic diseases that the Standard Poodle and Golden Retriever deal with. While there are no big health concerns to worry about with the Goldendoodle, a few of the minor concerns to keep in mind include patella, PRA, Elbow, CHD, and VonWillebrand's disorders. It is suggested that these dogs get vWD, eye, and hip tests done.
Grooming Your Goldendoodle
The Goldendoodle ends up with fur that is usually a combination of poodle and retriever like hair. Fur may reach 4-8 inches in length if it is not clipped. It is important to ensure their fur is combed on a regular basis. If you plan on clipping the Goldendoodle, this should be done several times within every year for the best results.
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